Hip pain and people touching my pregnant belly

Florence • Soon to be first time mommy! 😍🤰

So two totally different subjects for this post. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, have 3 weeks until my due date, but I'm dilated just to a 1 and im having contractions here and there but nothing concerning yet. But I have this really annoying and painful pain in my right "buttcheek". It feels like it's right in the middle of my right cheek and is painful all the way through like a deep deep bruise and itll occasionally shoot pains down my leg. I've had sciatic nerve pain a few times this pregnacy but this is worse. Just seeing if anyone else had this or is having this and has some remedies.

Part 2: lately I've just become really irritable (yay for crazy hormones 🙄) and so stuff that I would normally brush off bugs the hell out of me. I've never really allowed people to touch my belly but haven't really had anyone ask. But now that I look like I swallowed the moon, everyone wants to touch my belly. I dont want to be rude so I just kind of step away from it when they do but lately it's just been really bad and people have no sense of personal space especially strangers. 😳 I've asked people to not touch my belly as politely as one can and got called rude/bitchy for it. So I guess question is am I being rude or do I need to start just not even allow people the chance to. I just dont know how to handle it.