Crazy old bat of a neighbor!! 🤬


Soooo here goes need some advice / vent.

I live in an amazing neighborhood for the most part... Except the crazy lady at the end of the street.

She’s retired, never had kids, and has 4 tiny dogs. She’s constantly walking them and if she catches you outside she’ll come up the hill and tell me what I’m doing wrong. For example... I noticed Saturday at 10:30 your girls lights was on in their room. Shouldn’t they have been asleep.... Another time she started yelling at us because we didn’t have someone to walk our dogs while we were at work and they were being neglected. We just needed to pay her to watch them! Finally, I got fed up and told her to mind her own business.

Now, I was raised to respect your elders y’all. But the crazy woman has pushed me too far..

Lately, caught her multiple times. She has stopped at the base of our driveway let her dogs off the leash they run all the way up our hill and take shits in my nice flower bed right next to my windows. My dogs loose their mind inside. I have asked her to stop multiple times. Obviously, she’s just being a dickweed at this point. So yesterday I come home from a long day, my 3 babies are bickering, I just want to get in the house kind of day, my son jumps out of the car directly into dog shit. Mind you these are his brand new shoes that he saved up for himself. My 13 was so mad he teared up y’all.

Now mama bear is in full revenge mode. Help me out here.

1. I take my 2 100 pound dogs over to shit in her drive.

2. I let my dogs out when she lets her dogs off their leash and on to my property.

3. I plant profane words in weeds in her immaculate yard.

4. What else can y’all come up with???

Edit... obviously would never actually do any of this. Just what my brain came up with after I watched my strong son tear up after he thought all his hard work was ruined.

I have tried talking to her and have been an adult to this point. Posted here to see what y’all would do.