I know this is probably dumb, but please just indulge for the sake of my sanity..

According to this nifty lil app, it said my peak ovulation was on the 27th. We baby danced the 10th(day my period ended), 12th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th AND 28th. On the 27th, before bed I noticed I was spotting a small amount of light pinkish discharge and when I woke yesterday it was there again when I wiped. Last night into this morning, I've had clear watery discharge. I'm fighting allergies like crazy right now, so I've been sneezing so much and so loudly, even my downstairs neighbor is texting me "bless you." But sometimes when my almighty sneezes come, I can feel a decent amount of this discharge come out. For a couple times, I thought I was almost faintly peeing myself😅🤦‍♀️. I logged these odd symptoms, and the app moved my peak Ovulation to today! Soo... if the app is correct, would that spotting still be ovulation spotting.....or possibly implantation bleeding?