Please help! I need opinions.

Please help and reply! I am 10 dpo. Yesterday I had sex and went to the bathroom shortly after. I noticed bright pink blood when wiping. So I thought I started my period and put a tampon in. I've been trying for 26 long months. I had one blighted ovum 2 yrs ago and no luck since. Today I noticed I didnt bleed much and I wasnt havi ng much pain like I normally do. Like I was only spotting so I decided to test just because even though I knew itd be neg. But I saw a faint line. So I went and bought a first response and got this. No denying the line but I'm worried that it is a skinny line. Does that matter? I am terrified of having another blighted ovum or of this being a chemical. Do chemicals usually have this type of line? I will call my dr tomorrow but probably won5 get a call back til monday. Terrified of the spotting too. My first pregnancy I had no spotting or cramping. I'm just so scared. I was set to start trying to adopt on monday morning and signing with a consultant. I had completely gave up on trying. It was devastating each month. I prayed last night for God to clearly show me if it was time to adopt now or not and tonight I have a bfp. I just pray so hard all is well and I get a baby this time. I am praying for all of you girls out there. Please keep me in your prayers and please tell me what you think about the line. Should I be worried that it is skinny?