💕🎉BCP Question about skipping


My question is..;

If I took my bcps and then proceeded to take the next pack (skipping placebo week) am I okay to stop at the end of week “5” (3 weeks of active pills in first pack and 2 weeks active pills in second pack) and still able to have my “period” start day stay the same? Like typically I get it on the Wednesday after the last active pill so will that be the case or will my body be thrown off?

I skip the “period” week quite a bit so I’m familiar with how to do it, just not quite sure how stopping early would impact.

Not sure how my bod would be able to tell the difference between 5 weeks active or 3 weeks active since I already prob confused her a bit lol

I am doing this to get off BCP to TTC I want to be off it a little before I tt conceive.

I know I could just wait the extra week and whatever but just want to get off it ASAP and I don’t have ANY use for the last week of active pills and Feel like I am wasting time, but I just would rather not want to mess up my “cycle” or what not if that’s what would happen.

I have been on the pill for 6 years *