Mom still strict at 18

I just need to let this out somewhere. A few months ago I started dating my boyfriend. I’m 18 turning 19 in just a few months and he’s 20. I’m currently living away from home for school, which is paid for by my parents.

The weekend after we starting dating I came home and I told her he took me on a date. She got super mad and started yelling and lecturing me telling me I need to “find myself” before dating. So, I just haven’t told her that we’re dating. Well, my boyfriend is pretty peeved about it because he wants to get to know my family and spend time with them.

I’m home again this weekend and I know I have to say something, I just don’t know how to go about it. I hate hiding things from my mom but I just can’t handle her treating me like I’m incapable of making my own decisions. She really hated my last boyfriend and never said a word to him, she never even gave him a chance. And I just really want her to give my current boyfriend a chance before deciding to not talk to him. I know it’s only been a few months but he’s super sweet, he’s the first guy I’ve dated out of high school and he’s always paid for all of his own things so he’s very responsible.

I know she just wants what’s best for me and I’m sure that part of this comes from me “moving” very recently for school and not wanting to let go. But I still come home often to spend time with my family and facetime my mom often. I just wish she’d loosen the reigns a bit.

Edit- let me add that I have never been a “problem” child and I’ve always done very well in school. I graduated high school in the top 10% and went into university as a sophomore. So there’s not an issue of responsibility.