Just need someone to listen.... 😞

Tenelle • Aussie 🇦🇺 TTC 4 Years. Failed FET Feb 2019. 2nd FET 22nd March 2019 SUCCESS! B/G Twins Due Nov 2019 👶🏼 👶🏼

It feels like I’ve been a roller coaster of emotions for months throughout the whole

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

process but especially since my second FET. I’m Day 9 post transfer today and I still haven’t tested 🙄 I have no idea if my symptoms are pregnancy related or if it’s the meds playing with me. I’ve had a lot of fatigue since Day 2. Small amount of nausea some days then other days I’m soooooo hungry!!! Feels like all I do is pee this past week. Some cramps on and off since Day 2 but that could be the meds also. And sooooo damn bloated!! 😞

I know there’s no way for anyone to know if I’m pregnant unless I test or wait for beta but I guess I just needed to vent! 😩 I’m so excited one minute then anxious the next, this whole thing is making me so exhausted.

39 hours until Beta (not that I’m counting or anything) 😉😩🤞🏼