Can post ppd be hate towards SO?

Lately I have been annoying at my fiance because I feel like he doesnt understand me and doesn't help me with our baby as unless I ask him to. I have a lot of patience for our baby just not for him and sometimes I feel like I hate him. He had surgery 2 weeks after the baby was born for a hernia and his dr said he can still help me but he doesnt and blames it all on his surgery( which by the way he had 2 weeks from now) but yet again he drinks beer and later on complains that he has pain. I am really irritated with him and don't know what to do and I havent had sleep or time for myself at all in the past month. Have any of you had this problem? Or do you have tips for me to better handle him? (Also I dont have family to help me out with my baby for I can have a bit of me time)