Greedy “sprinkle”

So I am livid. My son is being baptized at the end of the month and we attended a family function like two months ago and told everyone by word of mouth the date of the baptism and that we’d be sending invites later on but just to keep that date open.

So one day before we mailed our our invites we get an invitation to a sprinkle for my husband’s cousin, who was there and who we’d told about the baptism. It’s on the same day, same time.

So I call my MIL and she’s like yeah everyone already told me they are going to the sprinkle and not your baptism because she sent the invitations first. And then went on to say it was fair, we should have sent them sooner, and it was the same thing because they were both for second children.

We told everyone in advance and we had planned to mail the invites a month before the date, which is pretty standard for stuff like this. I’d heard nothing about her even having a sprinkle, much less when, until the moment I got the invite. We’ve had the date set from before he was even born. We cannot change it.

She also hinted a sprinkle was probably more fun than a church thing so that’s probably why everyone wanted to go to that instead.

So I thought it was kind of tacky as well when I saw they had included a registry with the invite. I get having a party to celebrate the baby but you shouldn’t be asking people to get you stuff. I had a girl and a boy and I didn’t do a sprinkle. She’s having her second boy and they are three years apart, but apparently they “threw everything away” even though she’s told everyone they wanted more kids.

So I look at the registry, and she might as well have called it a second baby shower. It’s all this expensive stuff like owlet and dockatot and the new ergobaby carrier And i see really what she’s trying to get is a bunch of new expensive stuff she didn’t get with her first baby- and she wants everyone else to pay for it.

So my MIL then says “well you only have to spend like 30 bucks.” Excuse me?

I usually get a gift whether I attend an event or not if I get invited, but she didn’t get me anything for my new baby. I know she’s not going to give anything for his baptism. I’m mostly opposed to getting her something due to making a point that I don’t agree with her greedy choices, nor the way she handled the timing of the sprinkle.

Now my MIL is saying she will go to the ceremony for his baptism but then be going to the sprinkle after instead of celebrating with us. Like you are his grandmother. This is your nieces second child and he’s not even born yet!

I’m so fucking pissed.