Weird Experience


Kind of a weird situation and I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or can give me any info on what I experienced.

I missed my period 2 months in a row (I did not gain or lose weight suddenly, nor did I change anything in my lifestyle to suddenly cause it, this is also very uncommon for me to suddenly miss a period as I am very regular) I went to the doctor because I thought I might be pregnant but I wasn’t, my thyroid was checked and everything seemed normal, the next month I did end up getting pregnant and when I went for my ultrasound I was told I had a vanishing twin. After that ultrasound visit I found out that twins run on my dads side of the family.

I mentioned above that my periods are regular, however regular for me means a 45 day cycle, I’ve always had very long cycles. This makes me wonder if I always hyper-ovulate and I drop two eggs normally? But that doesn’t explain why I missed my period 2 months before I actually got pregnant, so I’m fairly confused about that

Also would anyone know that if I had a vanishing twin if my chances for having twins in the future is higher? And if so how high?