Does a 12 year old need an iPhone when he/she already has a flip phone?

My fiancé has 12 year old twins from a previous marriage... their mother gets them anything they want... so they already both have iPads they’re glued to (with no parental controls, mind you).

Their mother wants to now get them IPhones, but they have a flip phone they share for after school activities, etc. what the heck is the point in them getting iPhones? She told my fiancé this weekend it’s because all of the other kids have them and that he needs to be “with the times”... uhhh... are we just being sticks in the mud? They’re boy girl twins... and I can see a huge lack of maturity in the little guy compared to the girl. He prank calls on his cell phone... one time he came home and told me he ordered pizza to our house, while he was on the bus with it... and actually did. I’m afraid the phones would just distract them even more or get them into dangerous situations. Atleast, with the Ipads, they can only use them on WiFi and still get the same imessaging with all of their friends... really there isn’t much difference... just more controlled. Thoughts?

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