
You know actually fuck sex honestly like what's the point if they aren't trying to be committed to you I honestly just about it I'm worth more than this I have values and I have feelings. I remember when he said what if he wasn't ready to be committed when I took the useless ring he presented to me at your house like why waste time and bs around and it hurt knowing that two years in you wasn't sure you wanted to be committed like why waste my time in the first place make me fall for you but the whole time you sleep while I'm foolishly accepting this makes me sad makes my heart ache eyes teary thinking why is he being selfish holding onto to something he isn't sure he wants to be committed to. We'll be three years at the end of the month and if we aren't going to tie the knot with kept promises I don't want sex I don't want love I don't want anything until this is a committed relationship on both sides because I'm about to be 21 I know what I want and if you don't then I'd appreciate if you left me so I wouldn't have to feel like this is one sided. The years I put in for what was it real love or was it unrequited my mind only wonders.