Induction Date Set!


For any curious mamas out there who’ve been googling and reading incessantly like myself, here’s my journey from 36 weeks until now!

Due date April 4th

36 weeks: 90% effaced, 1.5cm dilated. Doc had me convinced baby boy was coming early! Seemingly lost the mucous plug 36 hours after the appointment possibly due to the cervical check.

37 weeks: 90% effaced, 1.5cm dilated.

38 weeks: 90% effaced, 2.5 cm dilated, station -2, doc did a membrane sweep. DEFINITELY lost the mucous plug 36 hours after the appointment/sweep.

39 weeks: 90% effaced, 3cm dilated, doc did a second membrane sweep. She gave us the option to be induced tonight but I want to wait a few more days to see if baby comes on his own.

Induction set for the 6th!