Finally BFP success story


I’m writing this post to give hope to all the couples dealing with male infertility, specifically for varicocele. We tried for 8 months with no success. We suspected my husband might have a problem because when he was younger, around 5 years ago, got diagnosed with a minor varicocele. The DR said to come see him if he ever had difficulty conceiving. My husband then had a sperm sample taken and we received not so great news. He had less than 10 million sperm but normal motility and morphology. He said we should proceed with surgery but after reading stories online say it wouldn’t help we chose to try Clomid first. He started with 25 mg, retested in 3 months, numbers were up! They were almost normal so he increased it to 50 mg. We were so hopeful. 6 more months go by with nothing. It was defeating, all of my friends were pregnant and everyone was asking when are y’all going to have kids? 😖😩 we went back to the urologist and scheduled the removal of varicocele in January. Well, 2 months after the surgery I am pregnant! We are only 4 weeks but soooo excited. I hope this will give hope to those that are struggling to get pregnant. 💓