Just need to rant!


Hello Ladies,

So just need to rant, it might sound stupid to most people and that is okay!

So I just got my CNA licence a month ago, so I am very fresh at it. I am also 9 months pregnant, so I do get upset at a lot of things.

Well tonight was the worst night so far. I just started a new job as a new CNA, so getting now what people like and what they do for their bedtime routine, because I do work 2nd shift. Tonight was the point I left in tears. I was alone tonight after a week of training, and I still work a little slower at getting people to bed just because I am still learning what they like and just how to take care of them. Well this girl that trained me for a week was just getting on my nerves. I was already having a bad night as is, had one of my residents choke on me at dinner, so that was scary. Well that shook me up, well I go to get people ready to go to bed, and was just having a more slower time because still learning, and she was complaining that I was not answering call lights, well I know I should have done that, but I was already behind putting people too sleep, so I do answer the call lights then, then she is saying I am not getting people to bed fast enough and I was just starting to get annoyed at that point. So continue to get people ready for bed. Well my last person was 9'olck, had to give her a bed bath. So I answered a couple of call lights because we are not suppose to let me just go off, well while I have a couple of people that do have their call lights on, she then gets annoyed that I did not do my bed bath lady, and she was yelling to get done. So I finally get the bed bath lady dine, and she had to complain about that. So I am just so over it. Well this older lady had to go to the restroom, and I did not know she had to have her oxygen on, and she yelled at me for that, and then this poor lady thought she was closer to the chair, and she was going to off, so I had to get her into her chair fast. I would never mean to push her into her chair or anything, so she just yells me to get out, and I just start losing It! I am bawling because I did not mean to hurt or anything, and I still have other stuff to do, and it was pass ten when I should have gotten off, I was just having a really bad bad night.

I guess I need advice how to deal with her, because I do not want to get mean with her, or get written up, and also maybe how to time manage myself better.

