Recurring miscarriage and fertility clinics


I just had a follow up with my obgyn after a second miscarriage. She referred me to two places to choose from: a recurring miscarriage clinic and a fertility clinic that does <a href="">IVF</a>. She suggested the latter may be best so that when I do become pregnant again, they have the capacity to do weekly appointments to closely monitor the pregnancy. To be clear, I’m not looking for <a href="">IVF</a>, but rather some insight into what may be causing my miscarriages (if anything) and to be closely monitored for a future pregnancy. Anyway, I called both and neither take my insurance. I’m wondering if anyone has similar experiences and if it’s worth paying for this out of pocket. My fear is that I would go to the <a href="">IVF</a> clinic that she recommended and would end up spending a whole lot of money for something that is just precautionary, or that I spend $300 for the initial consultation only to realize what they’re offering isn’t what I actually need. I’m getting extremely frustrated navigating the health care system which is compounding my anxiety about having a healthy pregnancy. I appreciate any insight.