Rant warning

I swear to God the next time I see someone say "god forbid you get married at 18" or "you're to young to get married" I'm going to loose my mind.

I got married to the love of my life at 18. I'm now 20. Almost 21. I have been with this man for 6 years! Yes we got married earlier than most people. I'm glad we got married when we did I couldn't imagine my life any differently. We have 1 dog and 2 cats and we are now trying for baby number one. We have grown as individuals and as a couple. I know people that got married at 18 that are now on their second marriage. Hell I know people my age on their third marriage. And that's FINE!!! You get it wrong sometimes you fuck up you get hurt but you pick yourself up and move on. Everyone does things on their time. Some of my friends have several kids. Some are busy in college getting a 4 year degree, some are partying constantly. Some are single, others are in the middle of a fling and some are just starting dating. Everyone moves at their own pace. Don't push your timeline or your ideas on someone that doesn't share the same as you.