Twins!!?? Omg, oh wait.. on no??

Sara • Sarssa- Mom of 3 👧👦🧒, step mom to 3👦👦👦 and recovering my twins miscarriage 👼👼

Hello everyone!! I can use some positivity and prayers and good vibes sent my way please!!


Ok ladies! I just had my first doc apt and ultrasound today!! According to my menstrual cycle I should be 8 weeks today with a Due date of November 13th 2019. Had a vaginal ultrasound today and doctor said he sees 2 babies!! I'm very excited!! Then he said he can only see one heart beat.. I'm devastated. He said it's still very early and that both babies are measuring at 5 weeks and 6 days and that it may just be too early to see the second heart beat.. He wants me back in two weeks to make sure both babies are growing and if both have a heart beat. I'm broken right now. I have always wanted twins. Please pray or do whatever it is your do for my babies. Has anyone who has had twins experienced this? And was everything okay?

Needing some reassurance right now.. and also just for fun does the Ramsey theory work on twins?