Recently diagnosed


Hey everyone,

I’m new to this app and message board but have found the community to be very supportive.

After finally finding my Prince Charming, having a beautiful wedding and honeymoon, we are now at a point in our lives where we want to have a baby.

I went to see my obgyn at the beginning of the year because I had gone 4 months without a period. She ran some tests and told me I have PCOS but that I should try to conceive without help first.

Went to see my GP today to get results back from some blood work I had a couple weeks ago. She told me I have hypothyroidism and started me on a small dose of thyroxine.

With these odds stacked against me, I feel kinda crummy. Anyone overcome these obstacles? Should I talk to my OBGYN and see if there’s something she can do to help? I’m feeling kinda blue and I’m not sure what the next step I should take.

Love to all and thank you in advance for the help.