Diaper rash problem


So the past week my LO has gotten this horrible diaper rash. Her whole bottom and private parts are bright red. She’s never had one before, and she’s turning 1 in a few weeks. The only thing that’s changed is she’s been eating more table foods like chicken, vegetables, fruits, spaghetti, etc. And she’s also been having a lot more BMs as well. Her BMs aren’t solid, but not runny/watery either, just in between if that makes sense? Could the change of diet and more BM diaper changes be what’s causing this rash?? I’ve been lathering her bottom with diaper rash cream and every time I wipe her it seems like it hurts her. 😔 It’s been getting worse day by day. Also, I’m not sure if this is relevant but she also has 2 teeth trying to come in, but she’s never had a diaper rash problem with the teeth that she already has. What can I do to get rid of this? Any advice is welcomed!!!