Milk blister😭


I just got my first milk blister, babe is 6 months. She’s started moving a lot so she keeps messing around while eating and latching funny at times. It was getting more and more painful after a few days so I tried soaking in hot water, warm compresses, massages, gently scrubbing it, nursing after all the above, nothing was working. So today I used tweezers to try to pop it and it ended up just picking off skin that was right next to it 😭😭 it bled for a little and now it hurts sooooo much worse, I’m afraid to even mess with it again. Nursing is nearly unbearable but I know I need to suck it up. Should I just leave it alone and keep soaking it when I can? I don’t want to get mastitis but it’s so tender now and I also have raynauds that is acting up even worse because of it. Feels like my breast is on fire 😭😭😭