2 yr old and bedtime fight...


My almost 2 yr old has been fighting bedtime like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s always been such a great sleeper! Even when we transitioned her to her toddler bed rarely did we have to tell her to go back to bed. Now it’s one of us sits outside her door for almost 2 hrs telling her to get back in bed and she’s screaming because she doesn’t want to go to bed. Then she’s up multiple times at night coming into our bed. So we take her back to her bed. She didn’t sleep this bad as a newborn! 😩 I dont know what to do anymore. It’s getting to the point where’s she’s waking up my 11 mo old with all her screaming and fit throwing. Then I’m having to deal with two screaming kids. I’m at my wits end with this. There’s been a few nights either my husband or I lay in bed with her so she can’t leave but that’s after fighting her for 2 hrs by that point it 9pm and she still doesn’t fall asleep until 9:30. She use to be asleep by 7:30. Now it’s anywhere for 8:30-10, and she’s up atleast twice, then up by 6. So she’s just the grouchiest kid all day! Help!