I feel like shit but I’m getting better 😁


Before having my lovely Ava I weighed 125 right now I weigh 145.

I look at myself in the mirror and all I see is my big scar caused from my c-section and three rolls of pure fat (maybe I’m over reacting but you get what I mean).

I’m a huge foodie. So lately I’ve been eating my feelings away on how I feel about my body. Yeah not a good idea.

My boyfriend (baby daddy) bought me an Apple Watch to help me move about and exercise more . He says I look perfect but he noticed how bad I’ve been feeling about my body. At first I thought Apple Watch?!? What why that’s like WHY. But it actually is helping me a lot I’m keeping track and I’m working out and it’s keeping track and as I see the numbers adding up I’m like YAY.

Also I’m going back to school (college) to become a nurse and I’m SOOOOO HAPPY.

My body still looks like shit but I’m making progress.