Going insane.

Lauren. • 28 years old. Happily married since 6/21/14. Loving being a mommy to my 2 amazing daughters!

I got the flu last week, and have been absolutely miserable. I had high fevers for 5 straight days, chills, muscle soreness, miserable cough, the whole 9 yards. My little 8 month old has picked it up, now, and I’m at my whits end. It’s not her fault, obviously. And my husband has been just as attentive to her as I have...however, still trying to get over the illness myself, and him being gone for work is going to send me to the loony bin. It’s a massive battle to keep her hydrated, she’s refusing to sleep, is so uncomfortable that she can’t eat or get comfy. My lack of energy mixed with constant care for a super sick infant has left me toddler sooooo desperate for attention. She dumped a whole Costco sized thing of coffee all over my living room carpet, rubbed butt cream on her whole body, and dumped the Epsom salt bag into the tub (all of it). I’m not looking for advice, and I know why she’s acting out. I’m just venting, because when I texted my friend for some support because I’m so overwhelmed she asked, “why? With what”. M