Hormonal imbalance??? HELP 😫😭


It's been about a month now since I have still been feeling "off"...

Not sure if this is related or helps but I became sexually active in January with a friend (fwb) and we would mess around every weekend or every other. I haven't been that active in awhile, like even last year when I was in a relationship I wasn't that active and I had a hard time being "into it".

My last sexual experience was the first weekend of March and we had a lot of sex that weekend lol

So now to the main point:

Since then I have had bad anxiety, feeling weak, nauseous, and let's just say #2 isn't looking the way it's supposed to... 😂

So it's been a whole month with all of that going on and because so I haven't been sexually active with my fwb.

Out of curiosity I did take two pregnancy tests (at separate times) just to be sure that I am not pregnant. Both were thankfully negative.

But now this leaves me with "wtf is going on?!!"

I haven't been to the doctor yet but I should... honestly I would be so pissed if this is all just bad anxiety. 🙄

I have been fighting anxiety for over a decade now (I'm 23) and hate it for making me feel sick when I'm not. I haven't thrown up yet from anxiety but it definitely feels like I am going to when I panic.

I have also been told that it could either be IBS, hormonal imbalance, or acid reflux.

I also went from having irregular periods to having regular periods... since January I have been having a period every month. And I have had irregular periods for years, is that normal for it to change like that?