2 yr old made me break down today...


My daughter will be 2 in a couple weeks and my second will be 1 the same week. And I’m 10 weeks pregnant. My two yr old has had nothing but an attitude today. I’ve tried everything to pay attention to her make her happy, usually she likes to play alone and will come to me if she wants attention but she has just been something else. I’ve never seen her have this kind of attitude. She’s been beating up her sister all day. She’s been put in time out, toys taken away. Finally I just stuck her in her room put her sister to bed because the fighting was on my last nerve, I threw away some of their toys because I was just that pissed off. Just crashed on the couch and cried because it wasn’t even 10 am...Then I felt so guilty because I was questioning as to why I wanted another baby, and if I could actually handle a 3rd. Ugh my emotions are just a wreck today. Can I go back to bed and start today over please?? 😭