Breaking up over a car accident??

Ooooookay so.

Basically I wanted to go on a date with my boyfriend, I was near the beach and asked him to meet me there. He complained he didn’t wanna drive that far which I understood but I was a little hurt. He ended up making the drive anyway. We had a nice night. Then I needed gas before going home I asked if I could follow him to the gas station because I didn’t know where I was going and I was also in a weird area at night.

Apparently as I was pumping gas, someone backed into him. I didn’t know this until later.

I got home and he wasn’t there which worried me because he should’ve been home before me. I call him and it goes straight to voicemail. Finally I contact his sister who says “that’s weird, he called me to tell me someone backed into him.”

And I’m like what the fuck, here I am WORRIED SICK that something happened to him cause its been an hour past he should’ve been home and he won’t answer the phone.

He gets home and I’m like what the hell, why didn’t you tell me what happened???? Or at least tell me you’re okay??

And he’s just like, “I didn’t wanna talk to you. I’m pissed off. My truck is ruined.” I get he’s pissed. He literally just bought this truck the other day. He also didn’t get the woman’s license plate or insurance info because she claimed she didn’t have it on her. He just got her name and number but she hasn’t gotten back to him or his insurance.

So I get hes annoyed. But how does that make it okay for him to ignore me and let me worry that hes hurt? And then come home and basically blame me for it. “ I would’ve never been there if it weren’t for you, I wanted to stay home, you made me drive to the gas station” blah blah blah.

Whatever I just went to bed I was so mad.

The next morning it seemed fine, he said he was still upset and wasn’t gonna be happy until his truck was fixed, saying “nothing ever goes right for me” like dude I GET IT. it sucks. Similar things have happened to me. But then he says he loves me, leaves for work.

Then he gets home at the end of the day and I just simply and casually ask him if he called his insurance, and he gets so pissed off again and just says he doesn’t wanna talk to me, he’s not gonna want to until it’s fixed storms off and leaves without saying goodbye. I didn’t pester him or anything I just asked about it???

I mean I get it. He’s pissed. I would be too. But would I alienate my significant other and blame them and give them the silent treatment when they’re just trying to help not to mention last night when I was worried about his safety and he just ignores me then yells at me when he gets home ?? I’ll give him space but I’m so pissed off now. I don’t deserve to be treated like this or do I? Idk.

This is what I said to him, is that over the top?