Baby’s stomach not liking frozen breastmilk?

MJ • law student 📚 mamma bear 🐻 song writer 🎼 pie baker 🥧

Hey! So I just weaned my kiddo (10 months old) and he’s started using my frozen stash of breastmilk (I’ve got about 700 oz in a separate deep freezer). All the milk is 6 months and newer, and it all went into the freezer directly after being pumped.

I recently started giving him some formula when we’re out and about (it got too hard figuring out how to thaw/heat breastmilk while out of the house). He still gets breastmilk at home at at daycare.

Recently it seems as if his stomach has gotten super sensitive when drinking the breastmilk. He spits up a lot. The milk doesn’t smell spoiled or soapy when it’s warmed up, and he doesn’t refuse it. Thing is, he doesn’t have ANY spit up when he has formula (once or twice a day, three to four days a week).

Could the formula be a reason that he’s started spitting up so badly with breastmilk?

Any other thoughts on how to ease his stomach?

He eats three baby food meals a day and some snacks throughout (puffs, cut up banana/grapes/berries).