Rainbow baby on the way 🌈


28th September 2018, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, she was soon incubated and rushed off to the Nicu she never cried.

She had a very rare birth defect called a right sided congentital diapratmatic hernia (CDH), which was caught at my 36 weeks scan, I was induced at 37 weeks.

After 6 hours of fighting she sadly fell asleep forever at 8.55am on 28th September in my arms.

I miss her so so much everyday.

We new we wanted to try for another baby right away not to replace but to fill are empty arms and to have something to look forward to again.

We have a older son who's nearlly 2 and he decerves to do the things big brothers do, he loves to visit his sisters grave but he should get the chance to be able to do big brother thing.

15/11/18 we got a postive line but this was short lives as it slowly went negitive and my period arrived, and was told I had a chemical.

We carried on trying but I started to give up home I never had a issue before and no idea why it wasn't happening, this month I deleted everything all my apps at just used my clear blue monitor and fertility gel and we did it today 2 days before my period I got a Bfp on a digital monitor!

Rainbow due around 17th December 2019 🌈.

(thank you so much for getting this far)