Road to Pregnancy: Unexpected Tough Road


We were supposed to announce our blessing last April 3 after my ultrasound. But unfortunately, instead of a good news, we received a bad news. There's a mass seen in my fallopian tube (as per the sonogram) leading to ectopic pregnancy. I had an emergency operation the same day. After cutting me, instead of an ectopic pregnancy (which is not, thank you Lord), they saw a ruptured cyst near my ovary (which may lead to thereatened abortion as well). My OB told us that there's still a chance for our baby. I am still having positive pregnancy tests. We are hoping that our baby will hold on until he/she comes out.

I told my self that I will not post anything that will confirm my situation (except for those who are dear and close to us) but we are in need of a lot of prayers. We are asking for prayers, not just for my fast recovery, but endless hope for our baby. Help us pray and hope that he/she comes to life. Thank you! ❤