I need to make money

I’m 15 years old, my dad lost his job a while back and has not found one yet. I need to make money but it’s not really easy where I live.

I’m not looking for easy money as some might say but some things really dont work for me

I can’t drive and can’t get a license until I’m 18 years old where I live

Forms of transportation here aren’t really cheap and I haven’t got many places I can reach by foot

I can’t babysit because no one around me hires babysitters, ones who work put their children in daycare and I’d be in school anyway, and others usually just leave their kids with relatives so it would be extremely hard to find someone who would trust a minor with their kid

I can’t pet sit/walk because in my neighborhood there are quite a few pets literally in my whole area there are only 2 dogs

I also can’t maw loans or something because i kind of live where it’s mostly apartments and there are workers who do loan work for cheap too and they do it perfectly so I don’t think that would work for me aka someone who has never really done any outdoor work like that since we don’t have a backyard 😂

I know this doesn’t leave me with much options, I wanted to work in McDonald’s which I can reach by foot but I have to be at least 16 to work there (Ik in some places it’s 14 but it’s 16 here)

Ik I sound like I just want to get money without working but I really don’t 😂 it’s just whenever I ask for ideas I mostly get ideas that don’t work for me (like the ones I listed)