Am I Crazy??

So my husband sent me to the store its a total walk time of 4 mins.. I was only gone maybe 7 minutes, So i am walking to my house, I stopped as i seen someone creeping up between my house and the neighbors house... She slowly walks up to my front porch and she stands there, SHE DID NOT KNOCK she whipped out her phone... So i started walking slowly and crept up my front stairs and turned around and she fucking ran so fucking fast like she was running for a marathon..

I told my husband He said i don't believe you, thats weird....You should have texted me

I said whats weird is...she did not knock...she pulled out her phone instead...she crept up between the houses

He said what're getting at? You think she was here for me?

I said it almost seems like it...

He said un real i don't cheat

I said why would some woman A. sneak up between houses. B. NOT knock, but pull her phone out and C. Run for her life when she saw me?

He said IDK its fucking weird...she must of had the wrong house

I said still why creep up between the houses and not knock???

Am I crazy?

This was around 8 pm the other night