I did it when everyone told me I couldn’t 🚓💙

Lillian • Engaged to the love of my life 💍 #1 baby due August 24,2019 🥰

Yesterday I completed a life long dream of mine, I graduated from the Basic Peace Officer Course. Like my father before me, my two brothers, and my fiancé I went through 6 months of physical and mental training to help people when they need it the most. I was so prepared for this journey and anything that could have been thrown at me, or so I thought. Almost exactly one month in the Academy, I got my BFP. My fiancé and I were so shocked. Before getting into the Academy we tried for a year, but decided to take a break so I could train and get through the Academy. God had other plans. When we found out we were pregnant, and after the shock went away, I didn’t know how it would affect my job and all of the work I put in for my dream of becoming a cop. The day I told my Specialist was one of the scariest days and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. In my Sheriff’s Office, there aren’t many females let alone anyone who got pregnant during the Academy. There are no policy’s concerning pregnancy and everyone excepted me to drop out. However this was what I worked so hard for, I wasn’t going to just give it all up. I talked with my doctor and he agreed with me there was no reason I couldn’t finish with my fellow cadets. My department didn’t see it that way. Everyday in the Academy I was put down, told I was being a bad mother for putting my child through this, and I was even told I wasn’t going to be a real cop after I graduated. I was written up for every little small thing, and they tried to find anything to kick me out. My own mother even told me I had ruined my career and that I messed up my life. I cried almost everyday but thanks to my wonderful fiancé, I didn’t give up. I had my legal team backing me up, and I fought for my right to be there. I was questioned, talked about behind my back from so called “friends”, and I was told I couldn’t do it. But yesterday I walked across that stage just shy of 5 months pregnant along with my fellow cadets. I was one of the best shots in my class, the only one that got a patch for it. I had people I have never met treat me like trash and not let me prove myself. But I did it. I passed my state exam with the highest grade in my class. I ran 5 miles almost every other day with my fellow cadets, lifted weights, never missed a day, and I never made an excuse. And the most important thing is my baby girl is as healthy as can be!! I hope other females read this and know nothing is impossible and don’t let ANYONE tell you what you can and can not do. Trust your body, and prove them wrong. Pregnancy is NOT a disability, it is a blessing. Everything happens for a reason, even if you think it is the worse possible time. I wish a happy and healthy pregnancy to all the ladies out there. And to all of the ladies TTC, I wish you all luck. Your time will come, and I pray for y’all everyday. I know what it’s like to always get the negative and to think it’s hopeless, but everything happens for a reason. I have faith your time will come 💖

^ My amazing Fiancé and I 💙