Sneaky or okay?

Ttc with my husband for going on 2 years now, 4 miscarriages. He wants to keep “trying with out trying”. He worries the pain and stress each miscarriage has put us (me) through and doesn’t want to do that again purposefully but still doesn’t want to get snipped or my to get tied. Is it conniving or sneaky if I use ovulation strips? 2 of the 4 pregnancies we’ve had I did, not that I talked about with him but he knew I had them. Meaning I didn’t say “hey we have to today” lol but tried harder to seduce him on those days 😂 would it be wrong to use ovulation strips again even if he says he’s okay not having children?

Side note: he takes care/is raising my child that isn’t biologically his, so I feel like I should give him a child ... thoughts, questions, concerns?