
Meg • 💙

This is gonna blow your guys minds. There is a website called where you can BUY AN HCG BLOOD TEST and take it to either labcorp or quest. It costs 39$. You pay on the website and pick the lab closest to you. Then it automatically sends the orders to your lab!

You get the results the next day because its only a 1 day turnaround for hcg.

I know so many of us on here either want 1. Confirmation with blood work that we are pregnant. 2. Reassurance that we arent pregnant. It does not go through insurance and the results are posted on the website on your secured log in you created. I did this because my doc only ordered 1 hcg quant blood draw (which will literally tell us nothing) so i paid for the second one to make sure its rising 😋

This is what the results look like