he can’t get all the way hard


update: we had great and really romantic sex, so as of now, i think our problems are solved! thanks for the help

i’ve been talking to this guy for about a month now. we both really like each other and everything is really great.

but he can’t get all the way hard with me. and only me. he can masturbate and it’s never happened with anyone else.

i know he’s being genuine about that because we’ve talked about it a lot. i basically just make him nervous and have “some effect” on him, as he puts it lol. he assures me that i’m doing nothing wrong.

he’s really embarrassed about and frustrated with it. i just want him to be comfortable. i care more about that and his feelings than the sex.

but i am concerned that it might start to affect our relationship.

does anyone have any advice on what i can do?