I need guy advice!!!

I know I’ve asked this question many times on here, but I need more advice. My guy best friend and I had sex twice one weekend he was back home. After that, we called every night, got intimate over the phone, talked about me flying to him, and told his fam and friends about me. One day, he told me he just thinks we should be friends bc he isn’t ready for a committed relationship, let alone an LDR. He said it was just bad timing. I believed him but it hurt so bad. For weeks I overthought so much and kept being stupid and asking him for reassurance on us staying friends. Every single time he’d reassure me we would. Since we’re going back to how it was, I’d send him funny memes here every other day and some snaps maybe like once every 2-3 weeks. With the memes, he’ll like some and has even commented. Sometimes he doesn’t.

Last night I hung out with our friends and I sent him a snap of them. He snapped me back asking me to say hi for him. One of my friends who doesn’t know him asked to see what he looked like. I showed him his insta and he liked a pic I’ve already liked. I thought he’d get notified so I sent him another snap saying “that was Joe who liked your pic sorry”. He didn’t know what I was talking about so I said nvm. Tonight, I sent him another snap but he just opened it and never replied. Didn’t even look at my story. I know I shouldn’t care too much about it but I do because I just want our friendship to be back to normal and it feels like it isn’t. I feel like I’m getting mixed signals. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it? I mean if he didn’t want to be just friends he wouldn’t reply to me at all or like the things I send him right? My friends who know him have been telling me I have nothing to worry about and they all think we’ll stay friends and be able to hang out when he’s back. I hope they’re right, but I just don’t know what to do. Keep sending him a meme every 2-3 days...keep in touch? Or just let it go? I guess I’m just so worried we won’t stay friends or hang when he’s back but everyone else is telling me otherwise! Help?!