Too unpredictable

I’m so annoyed, super freaking annoyed. I am given hours to work during the week (only about 12) and last minute I am called in to work an extra 4-15 hours a week. At least twice a week if not more I’m asked to close down the store (subway restaurant). It’s so annoying because I have school and since it’s almost nearing (high school) graduation my teachers are cramming down on us and giving even MORE work. Or I’ll just have personal plans that I make on my days off because well they’re my days off! I deserve to relax with my friends and family but nopeeee. I hate it so much. I was told when I first started working I would be given minimal hours because I have school. The only reason I wanted to work and was okay with the hours was because I just needed enough to pay rent each month. But now it’s like I can’t even plan ahead when I can work on my home work because I dread getting a call from my boss asking me to go in and work after school.

My boyfriend who lives an hour or so away and I made plans to see each other cause we haven’t in so long, but I had to cancel because of this same reason. I tried saying no, but my manager wouldn’t budge. I know I made a commitment to this company, but I feel like they’re taking advantage at this point. Last week and the previous two weeks before that I closed the store three nights during the week day (3.30-8) aside from my usual shifts after school and a five hour shift Saturday. It’s not fair. Idk I’m just annoyed. I hate it I can’t wait to put my two weeks notice in and get the fuck out of this job


I’m so exhausted alll the time because I work so many extra hours and today I found out my co worker had a last minute day off ! My manager said “I get it she’s tired, she worked this weekend” (my co worker usually just works weekdays) and I was so mad cause I worked during the weekend and I had prom on Saturday night so??? What??? I don’t know I never request days off but I miss my boyfriend and I just want to to relax a weekend