Nurseor Teacher??


Help me!! Should I do Nursing or Teaching?????

I'm currently in school majoring in my RN but just recently started second guessing my decision.

I've wanted to be a pediatric or L&D nurse for as long as I can remember but I've also really loved the idea of teaching small children.

I'm suppose to enroll in the nursing program in February '20 and just registered for the next round of pre reqs... Then I started thinking about the future when I finish school.

The only women's and children's hospital around my area is a 1 to 1-1/2 HR drive and their hours are 3-3. My husband works 12 HR shifts at his job (and will after I graduate) 5a-5p and his commute is about 45 mins round trip.

*If I continue with nursing... We already have a huge problem trying to get someone to watch our 3 children and I worry that it will be even harder when we would need someone to watch the 3 of them for almost 15 HRS a day/3 days a week... The only daycares in our area are open from 7-4 so that wouldn't be an option and we really don't have friends or family that could help.

*If I go with teaching... I would be able to have Summers off with the kids, get them to their after school activities, don't have to worry every day if they're where they're supposed to be at such and such time, I'd have the same days off, etc., etc...

I'm so so so torn between what to do what I want and what is best for my family... I need some help!! I've been so stressed out 😭😭😭

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