
I’m so confused!! Am I in early labor or experiencing true contractions?? I’ve been in ‘false labor’ for 4 weeks now but they’ve never been consistent. Today is my due date. I’ve had contractions 10-15 minutes apart since 4am (it’s now 9:31) and within the last hour they’ve start to become about 5-8 minutes apart. HOWEVER. Whenever I stand up and walk around, I have to like FOCUS on if I’m having a contraction?? My back hurts constantly when I’m standing or walking like period cramping but not like the cramping I’ve been having when I sit or lay down. With sitting or laying down, my stomach gets super hard, I’m stopped of my breath, it’s intense pain, like I KNOW it’s a contraction. But whenever I walk or stand I have to guess. As soon as I go back to sitting or lying down tho, they’re consistent again! I’m so confused! Please help out a miserable FTM. The hospital is an hour and 10 minutes away and I don’t want to go in for nothing! To be sent away! 😭😭😭