Any help or advice to handle this situation!

Okay so my boyfriend and I planned a beach day with friends & family, he wants to invite his sister, her friend, his brother (mark) and I want to invite his sisters best friend (let’s call him Matt)

But my boyfriend doesn’t want to invite Matt because his brother mark has a problem with Matt and won’t go if Matt is there (he just thinks Matt is loud and dramatic but Matt has always helped mark if he needed something) It’s weird because they are childhood friends with Matt & he is always with us at parties etc. mark blocked Matt on social media and hasn’t talked to him since then and we don’t know why. mark is always in his feelings and is mad at people for no reason. Example 1, he was mad at his own older brother for “not coming around a lot” but his brother has work, take care of his family and his wife is pregnant. His brother didn’t even know mark was mad at him. And he didn’t show up to my boyfriends party because his brother was there. I feel like this is so childish and I hate that I have to accommodate to grown man for him being his in feelings towards a person. I want to tell my boyfriend but I don’t want to hurt his feelings because I know if Matt shows up mark isn’t and my boyfriend wants his brother there. But I’m the person who said I wanted to go to the beach and I think both my boyfriend and I should pick who ever we want not just him. I feel bad for not inviting Matt because I know he will see it on social media and the reason for not inviting him is so stupid and I want him there but I feel like I’m dealing with high school drama because a grown man is gonna throw a fit. 🤦🏼‍♀️