Baby doesn’t know how to swallow

Natalie • Married to my high school sweetheart for 3 years. Daughter Noelle born November 3rd, 2018 💗

Since birth (I noticed this mainly around 1 month after birth) my daughter cannot swallow her saliva unless she has a bottle nipple or pacifier in her mouth. I tried exclusively breast feeding but she could not latch correctly. Went and saw LC and they just casually said she has a lazy jaw and I can continue to exclusively pump, which I did for a little over a month but my mental health was more important to me so I switched to formula. But she is not 5 months old, drooling excessively for he point of changing her bib every 45 mins because it is sopping wet. Told pediatrician what was going on and she sent us to pediatric rehabilitation center a month ago and the doc there said it’s developmental. My daughter was born at 10lbs vaginally 😅 and she has required a bottle every 1 hr and 45 mins and that has not changed at 5 months old. I have tried a few purées and they just fall right out of her mouth with the saliva. 😞

I guess my point is, has anyone dealt with this sort of thing before? Am I being overly sensitive since she is my first? My pediatrician said it is a bit worrisome but the pediatric rehab doc wasn’t concerned.

Thanks in advance!