Positive Beta but.... Anxious Ultrasound Wait

Tenelle • Aussie 🇦🇺 TTC 4 Years. Failed FET Feb 2019. 2nd FET 22nd March 2019 SUCCESS! B/G Twins Due Nov 2019 👶🏼 👶🏼

So we transferred two embryos and I was 11DPT when I got my first positive beta (830). My clinic doesn’t do anymore betas they just get you to do an ultrasound at 6w. That’s not until next Monday so I’ve been driving myself crazy wondering what my beta levels are, if they’ve risen, dropped, or if I’m still pregnant etc and how many embryos have stuck! Ugh just the wait feels like I’ll be constantly waiting for the next 9 months 😩 doesn’t help when I’m the worst at being patient 😞