Tired momma


I hate thinking this but I’m just so done at this point I’m beyond tired and literally NOTHING works. I can’t get my guy to sleep for nothing. I’ve literally tried everything. Swaddled, not swaddled, dream glider, crib, sleeping next to me, sound, quite, extra milk before bed, oatmeal, food. You name it I’ve tried it! I’m going on 4 months now of 3-4 hours of sleep a night and that’s broken up about a 45 minutes is my longest stretch of sleep and I’m starting to get to my breaking point. I’m moody at whoever is around, depressed, overall just exhausted. All he wants is to just suck on the boob all night if he unlatches cries till I put him back on this is all night. He uses me as a pacifier because the second he gets it he’s right back to sleep. We are on a sleep schedule and a nap schedule it’s literally the same thing everyday. He gets put to bed at 8 every night and no matter what time I come to bed that’s exactly when he wakes up and starts. I’m crying as I post this I’m just so desperate for some sleep especially while my husband over here gets uninterrupted sleep with 7-8 hours of a night I’m jealous, mad, and sad all at the same time 😭😭😭