The struggle is real


All my life I've really struggled with my weight and feeling like the fat girl of the group with huge thighs and a bulging tummy. I've tried lots of diets and crashed, ended up finding out I have endometriosis and I've really hated myself and my body. I'm turning 21 on Tuesday and I realised I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way to myself. I'm trying my hardest to change that this year and give myself a bit more love and embrace a healthy relationship with my mind and body so I really can be happy. I do still want to loose weight but in that healthy long term way and not because I hate myself. Anyways long story short can people give me some tips help me on this journey 🤦‍♀️

As a side note I also want to wear a bikini for my first time ever this year, could people recommend types that would suit me best😅

Btw I don't feel confident at all posting this pic but it's kinda my way of stepping out and being true to myself (sorry for the ugly scars on my tum) 😭