3 week old drinks 4-5 oz??

Bꪊꪀꪀꪗ • 23 yo | Twin mom | Mama of 4 | 💍

My 3 week old is drinking 4-5 oz every 2-3 hours. I breastfeed and pump/bottlefeed. I do pace feeding with her with the bottle and burp her every ounce.

I have heard many moms say it’s too much ?? But if i don’t give her 4-5 oz she is not full and cries and makes hunger cues until i feed her the full amount. After that she is sound asleep and content.

I am making 4-5 oz every pumping session so it’s what she’s getting directly from the breast Aswell. But i also do formula at night.

My pediatrician said it was normal and that some babies have a bigger appetite? But then women keep saying I’m over feeding my baby and now I’m confused as hell cause their babies are eating literally only 2-3 oz at this stage.

Also she only spits up a very small amount during burping sessions. Nothing excessive that makes me think she’s being overfed.