Should I be worried?

Tiffany • Mommy to a 8 yo boy, 2 yo boy, and a newborn Princess!!! 💙💙💖

My daughter is about 7 1/2 months and will be 8 months in a week. Idk if I'm being hard on her or overthinking but, just some observations.

My daughter can sit unassisted, and can pick up stuff and put it in her mouth, she smiles when she sees people she knows, and makes eye contact.

My concerns are that she's not "babbling" yet. She just makes noises. She'll roll over but, only if she really has too. Tummy time is the worst with her. She screams bloody murder like she's being tortured or something.

I think I'm paranoid because I see all these babies her age on this group that are pulling themselves up and crawling and my daughter could really careless.

Should I be concerned?