From Miscarriage to Miracle

This story is for those of you that have lost hope.

On April 4th 2015, I lost my baby to a miscarriage that occurred in a public bathroom and I continued to bleed in my husband's car all the way to the hospital. We were both heart broken, we continued to try with no luck. Every month I'd go buy a small pack of pads and a dollar pregnancy test...just in case. But nothing...2016, 2017, 2018...and now 2019. On April 12th my husband and I were betrayed by someone close to us, and he was very hurt by was I. I told him to pray about it and let it go. I prayed to God with my husband and told him...this is a show him that you can turn any pain into something great. The next day I realized that I hadn't yet had my period and so as always there I go to buy my pads and tests. This time I got a faint and I didn't believe it. I took the dollar one and didn't even wait for the line to appear, instead I ran to get a clear blue. And there they were...all 3 pregnancy tests. I went to leave lunch for my husband at work and told him I got him a little something to make him feel better. We cried. We smiled. We hugged. In that moment none of what we have been through mattered. The lord is loyal, the day is here. I'm pregnant!!! Miscarriage 4-4-15, found out about pregnancy 4-13-19. God giveth and God taketh away.