When sex is gone does that mean the relationship is over?


So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now and I am not sure if we are just hitting a bump in the road or if this is the beginning stages of our downfall. To clarify this man is my everything and if we broke up I could not picture myself in another relationship like ours. We are so much alike it is scary so trying to describe him as my best friend is an understatement. Our birthdays‘ are on the same day and even our children (he has a daughter from a previous relationship and I have a son) are the same age with 2 months separating their birthdays. We have always been honest with one another since day one because since we basically think exactly the same we have always been able to tell if the other isn’t being honest. Well at the very beginning of our relationship we were talking about our previous relationships and we both mentioned we knew the relationship was over when the sex was gone. That conversation hasn’t crossed my mind until here recently and I pray that is not what is coming to pass. So for the past four months we have had sex only three times and we honestly haven’t done it at all this past month. I have tried to talk about it with him and at first he just said he was stressed, which I understand because we own a business together which comes with its own stress not to mention we have outside family issues that don’t help with the stress situation, but now I am not so sure. I have tried lingerie, I have tried to get him to do it in random places outside the house, I have out right begged him for it and he always tells me we will in a little bit when he gets some stuff done but we never do. I have been feeling so rejected these past couple of weeks that it has made me stop trying and question myself and what is wrong with me that has made him not want to basically touch me anymore. Well last night I asked him if he remembered the conversation we had at the beginning of our relationship and how we both agreed if the sex is gone then that meant the relationship had died too and he said yes. I asked him “Is our relationship dead?” His response was that last night was not a good night to have that conversation and that I was not going to like that answers I got. He then said that our sex life is not completely gone, yet. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I just feel so unwanted and unattractive and it is starting to feel like he does not care. I don’t know if there is someone else that has came into the picture or if he just doesn’t find me attractive anymore or if it really is stress (but in the past sex has been a great stress relief for us) and I am just throwing a pity party for myself when I shouldn’t be. I ask him almost everyday how I can help alleviate some of the stress off of him and at this point he tells me there is nothing I can do. I really need some advice or help about our situation!!! I don’t want to lose him but we are both in our 30s and we have to be honest with ourselves. I love him more than anything and would do anything for him but it is starting to feel like his love for me may not equal my love for him and we also both agreed we would not string the other person along if either‘ s feelings start to fade.