Tonight might be the night


Ok ladies. So tonight my fiancé and I are going to start trying to have a baby. Are there any tips or tricks we can use to give us a higher chance of it working? I’ve heard pre-seed works as well. Help me out here lol. I’m very excited that we’ve made this decision.

UPDATE: So I get home and I get in my lingerie and I light some candles cause he’s out with friends. He comes back and comes into the room and just looks at me and says “what the f**k is this shit”. I said I thought we agreed tonight we would start trying so I wanted to make it special. He responds with “ you really think I was going to do that?” I was like well yeah since we kinda already made the plan to. He was like “ um no, I’m not doing YOUR way”. I was like what’s that mean. He was like “I don’t want to even start trying”. By this time I’m already crying. He just stood there, and said “I don’t want to cum in you, I just want to f**k you and you hop off and I finish”. Mind you it doesn’t take but maybe 5 minutes and he NEVER gets me off. I was so excited for tonight to happen and he pulls this. I’m so upset